L'uscita del nuovo album di Pino Scotto ( Buena Suerte) è prevista in tutta Italia per il 2 aprile 2010
" per ogni Dio lapidato per ogni donna violentata per ogni bimbo seviziato per ogni animale trucidato per ogni uomo privato della dignità ognuno pagherà il suo prezzo"
(Pino Scotto)

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Testo di "GIMME SO MUCH"


There were the good times
There were the bad times
When I was living a normal life
It did’nt last long
But it was so wrong
I should have know that right from the start
Not so long
Started to yearn for
Kind of life I lived before
I never felt right
When I was shut tight
Just like a wild beast locked in a cage
I found out all the answers
As the long dark nite turned into day
Believe me when I say
Sometimes I feel I just want to be alone
The way I want to be
Is running with my baby next to me
Looking for good times
Looking for bad times
When I can make you really join in
You keep on saying you love me
You carry on but you don’t understand
You gimme so much
You gimme so much of your love.

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